Wednesday, 6 June 2007

This is my blog about learning English. So I'm going to tell you about what I did this week (the past 7 days). On Monday, I saw a really cool movie.... It was about ... I learned lots of inglish words and idioms. It was a bit dificult, but I really engoyed it. From now on I'm going to watch as many English movies as I can. If you know some good movies please recommend them to me. There is a comment box at the bottom of this message. Well, I look forward to hearing your suggestions on movies....

Yesterday, my teacher told me something funny. He said that...

I'm very tired today because I had 4 classes. The first one was... ... ...



1 comment:

enjoyenglish2007 said...

Hey that's a really cool blog. I really enjoyed looking at it. How did you change your menus? I would like to be in a rock band, too!